Tyler Baguio





Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 USA


Artificial Intelligence , Big Data analytics , Internet of Things , Cyber Security , Data Science , Golfing


Languages and Frameworks: C, C++, Python, Javascript, Assembly, MIPS, SFML, Unix, SystemVerilog, HTML, CSS, Javascript, MongoDB, Semantic UI React, Meteor, TestCafe, Verilog

Toolsets/OS: MacOs, Ubuntu, Git/GitHub, g++, Jupyter Notebook, MatLab, Xilinx Vivado, Microsoft Office 365, IntelliJ IDEA, GitHub Desktop


University of Hawaii at Manoa

B.S., Computer Engineering (expected Spring, 2023)

  • ICS314 - Software Engineering
  • EE205 - Object Oriented Programming
  • EE324 - Physical Electronics
  • EE361 - Digital Sys & Computer Design
  • EE362 - Discrete Math for Engineers
  • EE371 - Engineering Electromagnetics I
  • EE345 - Linear Algebra & Mach Learning (TA)
  • EE323 - Microelectronic Circuits
  • EE315 - Signal and Systems Analysis
  • EE367 - Computer Data Structure and Algorithms
  • ICS314 - Software Engineering
  • EE468 - Operating Systems
  • EE660 - Advanced Computer Architecture
  • EE609 - Computer and Network Security
  • EE438 - Renewable Energy

2019 - 2023


Online Distributed Federated Machine Laerning Project, University of Hawaii at Manoa


Online Distributed Federated Machine Laerning Project

  • Research and development of Random Fourier Features (RFF) to reduce computational time and space complexity with large datasets aimed for secure distributive learning.
  • RFF achieved a 99% accuracy compared to the standard SVM kernel of 96% accuracy when tested with the MNIST dataset. 100% accuracy with the Iris Dataset.
  • Application in energy sector specifically in time series energy grid anomaly detection. Detection induced by unusual consumption patterns, faulty infrastructures, outages, external cyberattacks, and/or energy fraud.

2022 - Present

Software Engineer Intern, Revacomm


Software Engineer Intern

  • Created seven websites for the Honolulu Board of Water Supply and a content management system for the client.
  • Collaborated within an agile team structure, leading project manager and client review sprint meetings.
  • Developed a new dynamic web system saving client and company ~30% maintenance time for the duration of the project.

2022 - 2022

Teaching Assistant for Linear Algebra and Machine Learning, University of Hawaii


Department Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • Facilitate a Machine Learning lab that incorporates the mathematical and algorithmic fundamentals of linear algebra.
  • Introduce students to programming with datasets using machine learning libraries.
  • Helping students with Python, Jupyter notebook, projects, and grading assignments.

2021 - 2021

Foreign Service General Services Officer, U.S. Department of State

  • Seasonal hire through U.S. Embassy Canberra OSHP program. Coordinated and assisted newly assigned incoming PCS employees. Created new digital records to maintain asset managements. Aided with the management of leased residential and functional properties in Canberra Australia.

2021 - 2021

Teaching Assistant for AP Calculus AB, NYC iSchool

  • Monitored students struggles/concerns and communicated them to the professor.
  • Proctored and graded students’ exams.
  • Provided timely feedback to the students and professor on coursework and progress.
  • Managed students grade online through Jupiter-Ed.

2018 - 2019


Tutor, IEEE-HKN Eta Kappa Nu


IEEE-HKN Engineering Honor Society

  • Collaborate with different organizations (IEEE, SWE, ASHRAE, ECUH, etc) to promote networking and soft skills.
  • Provide daily peer-to-peer tutoring sessions for electrical and computer engineering undergraduate courses.
  • Plan and execute 2 professional events per month for 10+ chapter members to improve their professional skills.

2021 - Present


President of IEEE-HKN Eta Kappa Nu (Delta Omega Chapter), IEEE HKN, 2022

Eta Kappa Nu or IEEE-HKN is the international honor society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Dean's List, University of Hawaii, 2020-2023

Earn a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher based on 12 credits or more

C-SPAN National StudentCam Competition (3rd Place), C-SPAN, 2019

3rd Place award, against over 6,318 student documentaries nationwide.


Available upon request